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Statement of Communications

The 2024 Adrian Awards judges examine the Statement of Communication and supporting materials provided with each entry. Please note that you are required to choose a Budget Range to be judged and awarded in the Small, Medium, and Large budget categories.

To ensure impartiality on the part of all judges, agencies should refrain from using their company names within their text. When preparing your documentation keep in mind that you are limited to 2,000 characters per category text box. However, please be as descriptive and concise as possible. Spaces count as characters. Below are more details on the Statement of Communication for each area of the competition.


(The information below appears as text fields within the entry site online form.)

Goals: Clearly state your marketing goals. What did you strive to achieve using this piece or program?

Results: Which of your original goals did you achieve and how? How did you measure the effectiveness of the piece or campaign? Entrants should provide quantifiable results of their tactics or campaigns. (for example, click through rates or ad equivalency)

Return on Investment: How much revenue has the piece or campaign generated and how does this compare to your goal? What was the return on investment?

Budget Range (actual budget including any agency fees): Entrants are required to choose a Budget Range to be judged and awarded in the Small, Medium, and Large budget categories.